The Perfect Roast Potato

In the wake of a lovely relaxed weekend of pretty much cooking and eating, I have definitely got that Monday feeling!

Anyway, yesterday I cooked a lovely roast pork dinner. I absolutely love cooking and entertaining so it is no surprise that I have cooked lots of roasts before. One compliment I always receive though is on my homemade roast potatoes.

Nothing quite beats proper roast potatoes and although yes a fairly simple concept of cooking, many of us do them differently.  Thought I would share with you my tips on extra crispy and flavoursome roasties. Maybe I will tell you something you already know, or maybe you might pick up a handy tip or two?


1.Pre heat your oven to gas mark 7* and pour vegetable oil into a roasting tin. Sunflower oil equally works well, or if you're feeling indulgent try goose fat! The idea is that whilst you're peeling your potatoes and par boiling them, this fat will be getting extremely hot.

2. Peel the required amount of potatoes and put in a pan of water.  Bring to the boil and then simmer for around 10 mins.

3. Once Simmered, drain the water and with the lid on the pan, shake the potatoes so that they start to "rough up" a bit.

4. Add 4 tablespoons of plain flour and a generous sprinkle of mixed herbs. Gently stir in the pan to coat the potatoes in the flour and herb mixture.

5. Remove the roasting tin from oven very carefully as this will be hot

6. I like to use a fork and spoon to pick up a potato one at a time and place in the hot fat turn round so that all edges are coated until all potatoes are in the tin

7. Cook for 20 minutes and then turn the potatoes. Keep doing this at 20 minute intervals until the potatoes are cooked and golden brown/crispy. The whole process is approx 45 minutes.

8. Enjoy!

*If you need to use a lower setting bare in mind cooking time will be longer. I usually add my roasts as I remove my joint of meat from the oven and wrap meat in foil so that it rests and keeps warm.

Hope this helps! What are everyone else's tips? I am always open to ideas and if someone can give me a different tip then feel free :)

Until next time




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